fate stay night / unlimited blade works! XD .-.
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wuearcher Oct 24, 2014
renlilica Oct 22, 2014
Yes I am and I'm loving it.
minayuri Oct 22, 2014
Hi there everyone! Is anyone checking out the ufotable production of Fate/stay night currently airing?
renlilica Aug 08, 2013
Hello anybody here?
wuearcher Dec 31, 2012
happy new year 2013! XD yahe!
renlilica Dec 30, 2012
Fate stay night is AWESOME!
The characters are done pretty well.
Saber is one of the best anime shoujos ever. -
Drakill Nov 06, 2012
And yes the gaming section of the forums on MT is very active. There are some gaming threads in other sites as well but not nearly as active as it here -
z827 Nov 05, 2012
So is this site :s
Most of the forum topics here are game threads and compared to concrete Forums the activity here is quite miserable.
Encouraging people to discuss a common topic would probably bring about more activity - which is why this site is probably in dire need for a "News Sector". -
Drakill Nov 05, 2012
Probably. But MT's forums are more active then quite a few other sites. For example one anime site I'm on is TheAnimeGallery. There forum section is not as active as MT's one. But then again that site is mostly for images anyway.
z827 Nov 03, 2012
I've been to multiple Forums.
I've seen Forums filled with douchebags.
Forums filled with "people whom ignores the newbies".
Forums which are dedicated to a single subject or project.
Forums which is filled with enough spam to make you lose interest.
Forums with abusive mods and admins.
... and Forums which are more or less dead.
Etc. etc.I guess people only come to this site for the images - there are probably more lurkers here than actual members.
Drakill Nov 01, 2012
I'm not really much of a forum person so this site is more then enough for me. It keeps me busy. But the groups in this site are seriously dead -.- If you look at the last post on some of the groups some are from months ago. And for a few, YEARS! O.O
z827 Oct 31, 2012
The "topics" in question are mainly Forum games - serious discussion or discussion about news are... kinda limited compared to other Forum sites.
Lulz , to be honest , this is the most "dead" Forum site I've ever been to ( Unless you're counting certain small communities with a few members for a project or something ) with the same faces appearing about every day. -
Drakill Oct 31, 2012
Groups yes, forums no. I get loads of notifications every morning for forums. Well the off topic ones anyway. And some of the other groups I'm in. (Spammers, this one & JapaneseLover).
z827 Oct 30, 2012
Meh , every group I join is a dead one =.=
Forum activity here is pretty weak as well come to think of it. -
Drakill Oct 30, 2012
Yeah it is.
I don't know where they went if you go to some of their UP's then look when they were last online :O -
z827 Oct 30, 2012
Woah... seriously , this group is like... dead-dead.
Meh , where did all the other members go? :s -
Drakill Oct 29, 2012
@_@ Yeah!
*gets some drinks* XD -
z827 Oct 29, 2012
Gilgamesh would own Berserker Zero
*Grabs popcorn* -
Drakill Oct 29, 2012
Haha! Yeah ok I guess XD
z827 Oct 25, 2012
Yeah... come on , no one wants to discuss about Gilgamesh's awesomeness?
Drakill Oct 25, 2012
Have you heard of any anime that have actually been better then the manga? I haven't :(
And I've just checked, and the mods for this group haven't even been online for a loooong time. >.< -
z827 Oct 24, 2012
Well , if it's something like Gundam it isn't that much of an issue since Sunrise usually releases the Anime first before releasing a novel or a Manga.
... but yeah , for Anime adaptations , it's better to read the Manga for the storyline and then watch the Anime for the animations.Plenty of Anime were pretty screwed up compared to the originals to be honest - there are a few which actually did a decent job but most of them were pretty messed up.
Drakill Oct 24, 2012
I've heard that they've screwed up quite a few anime cause they didn't stick to the manga. Apparently mangas are usually better then anime. But that sucks for people (like me) who ,struggle/just find it boring, to get into a manga. -
z827 Oct 23, 2012
Anime based off Visual Novels usually combine aspects of other routes whilst maintaining the story flow of the "main" route.
It's not always a good move though , Air and Kanon are messed up because of that - for example.Which also explains why I'm not too keen in watching Anime based off VNs - particularly if I had already played the VN ( Which means I definitely won't be watching Muv Luv Alternative :s )
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